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Churchland Little League

Churchland Little League




Article I-           Name and Location

Section 1.         Name

This organization shall be known as CHURCHLAND LITTLE LEAGUE, hereafter referred to as CLL.

Section 2.         Location

The CLL boundaries shall be bounded north to the James River, east to the Churchland Bridge, south to the Chesapeake city line and west to the Suffolk city line, which is all encompassing of the Portsmouth, 23703 zip code area.  Baseball has the addition of the square of Tyre Neck, Bruce Road, and Taylor Road in 23321


Article II-          Purpose and Objective

The purpose of CLL is to establish organized baseball and softball with ultimate objectives of social, physical, mental and moral development of players aged 4-16 years. A program of friendly competitions with the goal of educating players about sportsmanship, teamwork, fellowship, courtesy, discipline, and integrity will be established.


Article III-         Membership

Section 1.         Eligibility

All players meeting the requirements of age and residence set forth in the bylaws of CLL, or any participating adults or parents/legal guardians of CLL players, shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2.         League Membership

1.      Player Members: Any player candidate meeting the requirements of Little League Regulations IV and who resides within the authorized boundaries of CLL shall be eligible to compete for participation but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of CLL.

2.      Regular Members: Any adult person actively interested in furthering the objectives of CLL may become a regular member as hereinafter provided. Only regular members in good standing are eligible to vote at the annual meeting. All officers, board members, committee members, managers and other elected or appointed officials in good standing with completed background checks are automatically general members.

A.     Cost of general membership-$5.00

B.       Regular members must sign up at the time of player registration in the spring to be in good standing.

C.      The secretary shall maintain the roll of membership to qualify voting members.

D.     Only registered regular members will have voting rights in the general elections.


Article IV-         Board of Directors and Officers

Section 1.         Officers

A.     The officers of CLL shall be elected by ballot vote. The positions of office shall include: President, Vice President(s) if necessary to have one at each complex, Secretary, Treasurer, Player Agent, Equipment and Field Manager, Concession Manager, Information Officer, Sponsorship Coordinator, Safety Officer, Division Coordinators (if necessary), Members at Large.

B.      There shall be no more than two (2) Members at Large during any given term.

C.      Board members are required to attend a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of regularly scheduled meetings and must work their assigned board duty schedule. Failure to do so may result in removal from the board.


Section 2.         Term

The term of office shall be from August 1 through July 31.

Section 3.         Board

The Board of Directors shall consist of the above-named officers. It shall be the duty of the elected officers to appoint qualified people for other positions as necessary for the operation of CLL. The duties of the officers shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.      President

A.     Shall preside at all meetings of CLL

B.      Shall serve as representative to Little League

C.      Shall conduct Opening Day and Closing Day ceremonies.

D.     Shall be responsible for arranging for team and CLL insurance

E.      Shall coordinate fields for CLL playoffs and CLL tournaments

F.      Shall provide managers and coaches with a written copy of the rules and bylaws

G.     Shall oversee election of officers for the new board

H.     Shall supervise the coordination of All-Star activities

I.       Shall enforce Little League and CLL rules and bylaws

2.      Vice President

A.     Shall act as an aide to the President

B.      Shall serve as representative to Little League in President’s absence

C.      Shall maintain schedules for all games including make-up and rescheduled games

D.     Shall create CLL Board Member field duty schedule which will be posted in the concession stands

E.      Shall schedule all umpires

F.      Shall be the primary point of contact for umpires

G.     Shall enforce Little League and CLL rules and bylaws

3.      Secretary

A.     Shall maintain records of business transacted at each meeting and provide a copy of the minutes to the board members  within 48 hours of the meeting

B.      Shall maintain a running history of CLL

C.      Shall maintain a roster of regular league members for purposes of general election eligibility

D.     Shall schedule and supervise team pictures

E.      Shall enforce Little League and CLL rules and bylaws

F.      Shall post reminders about board meetings, establish and distribute the agenda

G.     Shall set up team Band accounts and assign a board member to act as administrator for that chat


4.      Treasurer

A.     Shall receive and distribute all funds of CLL as authorized by the board

B.      Shall keep financial records

C.      Shall maintain a running history of CLL’s financial records

D.     Shall create and maintain a budget for all CLL expenses

E.      Shall be the secondary point of contact for umpires

F.      Shall file the yearly taxes to the IRS and ensure the league stays in good standings to protect our 501c  status


5.      Player Agent(s)

A.     Shall issue team rosters and communicate to Little League all team/player changes received

B.      Shall be responsible for scheduling and running activities concerning the registration process

C.      Shall maintain a running history of Player Agent activities for CLL

D.     Shall be responsible for running the drafts and team formation

E.      Shall conduct division player tryouts

F.      Shall ensure that all managers have received their team information, including all medical releases

G.     Shall maintain a waiting list if all teams are filled if necessary

H.     Shall maintain a “pool of players” who are willing to help other teams in case of a team not having enough eligible players at game time.  Only the Player Agents can assign players on a rotating basis from this list to play in extra games

I.       Shall ensure that all paperwork regarding all players is complete and filed/uploaded to online storage before players are assigned to a team.  This includes registration forms, medical releases, birth certificates, proofs of residency, school enrollment forms, and any other paperwork necessary in order for the player to be fully registered and eligible to play for CLL.

J.       Shall distribute and collect the All Star Intent Forms

K.      Shall keep a list of eligible All Star players along with their proofs of residency/school enrollment forms

L.      Shall create the all star tournament books to include the filled out affidavit and proofs of residence/school enrollment forms, waivers and any other additional information needed in order for the player to participate in the district tournament


6.      Equipment Manager

A.     Shall purchase necessary equipment and uniforms

B.      Shall keep an inventory of each team’s equipment

C.      Shall organize a field day for improvements if required

D.     Shall disburse and collect equipment and keys from team managers

E.      Shall make sure that each team has a first aid kit to stay with their equipment in coordination with the safety officer


7.      Concession Stand Manager(s)

A.     Shall be responsible for the concession stand, its operation and staffing

B.      Shall be responsible to obtaining any food handlers licensing, with the league paying for said licensing

C.      Shall be responsible for coordinating with the Portsmouth Health Department for any licenses or inspections

D.     Shall ensure that the concession stands are ready for inspections

E.      Shall be responsible for scheduling team concession duties

F.      Shall be the liaison between team parents and CLL

G.     Shall purchase supplies and keep inventory

H.     Shall maintain the concession stand equipment

I.       Shall maintain concession stand finances and financial records

J.       Shall report financial status to treasurer on a weekly basis

K.      Shall be in charge of opening the concession, or designating who will be opening and closing the concessions

L.      Shall ensure that all volunteers have arrived to work and are informed of what to do to work in the concession, including what needs to be cleaned to close the concessions


8.      Sponsorship Coordinator

A.     Shall be responsible for seeking new sponsors

B.      Shall be responsible for maintaining relationships with existing sponsors

C.      Shall be responsible for ensuring that all sponsorship fees are paid

D.     Shall be responsible for ordering sponsorship banners

E.      Shall ensure that the Information Officer has all sponsorship information, including graphics to be included on our website, program and any other agreed upon placement

F.      Shall ensure that all sponsors have our tax exempt ID

G.     Shall ensure that the treasurer has all payments by sponsors

H.     Shall be responsible for ordering any thank you gifts and distributing to sponsors


9.      Information Officer

A.     Shall be responsible for maintenance and update of the official CLL website

B.      Shall be responsible for all social media posting, including boosted posts

C.      Shall be in charge of checking the league email address and post office box and forwarding to the proper board member or inform the board of directors of any issues.


10.   Safety Officer

A.     Shall maintain and distribute first aid kits in coordination with the equipment manager

B.      Shall be responsible for reporting of accidents/injury to the board of directors and Little League within 24 hours of notification of the accident/injury

C.      Shall maintain a safety plan and submit said safety plan to Little League no later than Jan 1 of each year

D.     Shall be responsible for maintaining all background check records and ensuring that every person who will be in contact with the players has a current background check.

E.      Shall be responsible for ensuring all managers and coaches have completed all required training, including concussion test


11.   Division Commissioners (Tee Ball, Minor, Major and Intermediate/Junior/Senior if needed)

A.     Shall be the board representative for the managers and coaches of their division

B.      Shall instruct managers and coaches of league rules and bylaws and help enforce said rules

C.      Shall assist the Player Agent in team selections

D.     Shall assist with division player tryouts

E.      Shall report all team and/or player changes made to the Player Agent

F.      Shall serve as a member of the discipline committee


Section 4.         Election of Officers

In May, the President will appoint a nominating committee who will present a slate of nominations from those who expressed interest and has a current background check and is in good standing with CLL.. Any League/Board member interested in retaining a current board position or running for a new position will state so in writing to the President (the president will state his/her intentions to another board member) by June 1. A general membership meeting will be scheduled for the third Saturday in July, with notice of the meeting sent to the general membership at least 14 days in advance. The general membership will elect the board and positions within that board will be determined by the elected members. Results of the voting will be announced to the new board July 31.


Section 5.         Disciplinary Action

1.      Disciplinary action against a Board Officer, Coach, Manager or League member will be immediate and as per Little League Rules. Written notice of any further impending action, or any action taken by the President, must be given to the charged individual and the discipline committee within 48 hours.

2.      Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator Ejection

A.     After the end of any game an Umpire or CLL Board member on duty who ejects a Manager, Coach, player or spectator will, either verbally or in writing, report the incident to the Board of Directors, identifying the ejected individual and the team with which the individual is associated. The CLL Board Member on duty cannot be coaching in the game that the incident has occurred.

B.      Within 24 hours after being notified, the President will notify the ejected Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator of the term and conditions of his/her suspension.

C.      If it is his/her first ejection of the season by the game Umpire or CLL Board Member on duty, the offender will be suspended from the next game played by his/her associated team, in addition to the game ejected from.  This means the suspended person is not allowed on the complex for practice/game  until their suspension is over.

D.     If it is his/her second ejection of the season, any Manager, Coach or Spectator ejected from a game by the game Umpire or CLL Board Member on duty will be suspended from the next two (2) games played by his/her associated team, in addition to the game ejected from.

E.      If it is any Manager, Coach or Spectator’s third ejection for the season, the following actions will occur:

                                                    i.          Immediate season suspension

                                                   ii.          The board will review any future CLL participation in the off season. The Board reserves the right to require a revisit of said suspension each term upon seating to the new board.

                                                  iii.          If during the term of his/her suspension, a Manger, Coach, Player or Spectator is present at any practice/game played by the team with which the individual is associated, the game will be halted until the person has left the complex voluntarily or by the Portsmouth Police Department.  If the suspended individual refuses to leave or the police department is called,, then the board reserves the right to suspend this person for the remainder of the season.  The board reserves the right to review any future CLL participation in the off season. The Board also reserves the right to require a revisit of said suspension each term upon seating to the new board.

F.      In the event of any physical altercation involving adult member(s) or non-members) of the league at any CLL activity, said incident will result in a permanent ban from all activities involving CLL. A zero-tolerance policy will be enforced and any participants will not have the benefit of due process.


            Section 6.         Vacancies

Vacancies occurring in elected offices before the expiration of that term shall be appointed by the President with the approval of a two-thirds vote of the remaining Board.


Article V-          Meetings

Section 1.         General Meeting

An annual general meeting will be held for the purpose of conducting the election of officers.  This meeting will be held on the third Saturday of July.  If any positions are not filled by election, the President may fill these positions by appointment with board approval

Section 2.         Notice of Meeting

At least fourteen (14) days in advance of each board meeting, notice of the meeting shall be given to the members in such a form as authorized by the board.

Section 3.         Special Meetings

The board or the President, at their discretion, may call special meetings. Upon written request of at least seven (7) league members, the President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific request.

Section 4.         Transaction of Business

Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held as required for the transaction of business after all board members have been notified of the time and place. Two-thirds (2/3) of members must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. Any non-attendee may submit an absentee Proxy Vote in writing or via e-mail.


Article VI-         Finances

Section 1.         Registration and Sponsor Fees

A.     Registration and sponsor fees will be determined by the Board of Directors in a meeting before each season’s sign-ups. The fees shall be initiated to defray the operating expenses of the League. The Board, in the event of hardship situations, may approve deferred payments.

B.      Player fees will include socks, shirts and other items specified by Little League.

Section 2.         Equality

The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances. No individual team shall have an advantage over any other team in regard to expenditure.

Section 3.         Authorization

Checks will be signed by the Treasurer, or in the Treasurer’s absence, the appointed board member authorized to sign checks.  Board of directors must approve expenditures over $100 (one hundred dollars) unless specifically voted on by the board to waive this requirement for specific job titles (example-Concession or maintenance expenditures)

Section 4.         Federal and State Reporting Requirements

The treasurer shall be responsible for annually filing all required Federal (IRS) and State Information returns.


Article VII-        Committees

Committees shall be appointed by the President and/or Board as required to conduct business of the League.


Article VIII-       Amendments

These bylaws shall be adopted or amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the League at any regular or special meeting.

Article IX-         Local Rules and Policies

Section 1.         Rules and Regulations

All rules and regulations will be based on Little League Softball.

Section 2.         Local Age Divisions

A.     Tee Ball Division will consist of players ranging in ages from 4 to 7.

B.      Minor Division will consist of players ranging in ages from 7 to 10.

C.      Major Division will consist of players ranging in ages from 9 to 12.

D.     Intermediate Division (baseball) will consist of players ranging in ages from 11 -13

E.      Junior/Senior division will consist of players ranging in age from 12-16 for softball and 14-16 for baseball

F.      Each age eligible player must participate in the tryouts to be eligible for the draft. Any player who is unable to attend tryouts with good cause on the scheduled days may request, in writing, a waiver from the Board prior to tryouts. If a wavier is neither requested nor granted, all other rules apply.

G.     Managers cannot recruit for their vacancies; they must take players from the waiting list.

H.     Players will not be permitted to practice or play in the league all paperwork is completed, to include waivers, school enrollment forms, proofs of residence, medical release and birth certificate

I.       Managers must contact the Player Agent or Division Coordinator within twenty-four (24) hours with the name of any player who has dropped from a team, or is consistently not attending practices/games

Section 3.         Local Rules – All Divisions

A.     Home team will be responsible for recording the official scorebook. Each team must present the lineup to the opposing team ten (10) minutes prior to game start time and report all substitutions. Home team is responsible for setting up the field for play.  When playing another CLL team, the visiting team will be responsible for the tear down of the field and raking.

B.      Only a CLL Board Member on duty or appointed board member has the authority to cancel a game prior to game time due to field and/or weather conditions. Only games canceled because of field and/or weather conditions shall be rescheduled.

C.      The rescheduling of games will be coordinated by the Vice President. The managers of the respective teams will be notified of game time and field. The rescheduled games will be played on the date and time provided to each team. Games will not be cancelled and rescheduled due to lack of players unless the player agents determine they are unable to provide pool players to a team. Priority of rescheduling of games will be limited to acts of nature. The managers are not to coordinate reschedule games amongst themselves.  Rescheduling must be done through the vice president of the sport

D.     Home team shall take the first-base side of the field, and visitors will take the third base side.

E.      Warm-up schedule: the twenty (20) minutes prior to games time shall be divided as follows for infield practice: the first ten (10) minutes for visitors and the second ten (10) minutes for home team.

F.      Only the manager and two rostered coaches are allowed on the field during a game.  Any adult with a current background check may help with practices with manager approval

G.     Players must wear the uniform as furnished by the League.

H.     After each game or practice, each team is responsible to make sure the fields and spectator areas are clean and not littered with debris.  If there are games following, clean and vacate the field/dug out immediately after the game

I.       The League will not be responsible for any personal equipment and/or items of the players, nor assume any liability for players using personal equipment. Personal equipment is required to meet the specifications and safety standards set by Little League.

J.       Each manager must always have each player’s medical release with her/him at every function, practice, and game in case of injury. The first offense will be a warning. Second offense will result in removal from team

K.      At NO time is alcohol, tobacco products (including vaping, e-cig, dip), or drugs, including marijuana allowed  on the premises where League practices/ games are being held.


Section 4.         Local Playing Rules – All Divisions

A.     Each player present at a game shall play a minimum of two (2) consecutive innings in the field and have at least one (1) turn at bat.

B.      Should a player arrive after the start of a game, the player shall be placed at the bottom of the batting order. If the player is not able to meet the minimum play requirements because of lack of remaining innings, the team will not be penalized, but this must be noted in the scorebook for that game.

C.      If inter-leaguing with other leagues in our district, Interleague rules, along with Little League playing rules will be followed

D.     There are no “gentleman’s agreements” allowed between managers.  All games will be played in accordance with Little League and the voted upon District Interleague Rules only


Section 7.         Local Rules – Tee Ball Division

A.     Two defensive coaches may occupy the field and are encouraged to provide instruction without interfering with the play until the play has ended as signaled by the umpire calling time out.

B.      The distance between the bases will be 50 feet.

C.      All games are limited to six innings. No new inning will start after 1 hour 15 minutes.

D.     Each inning will consist of three outs or bat through the roster

E.      Batting rules: The manager or coach of the team at bat shall place, adjust and remove the tee. Some part of the tee must be touching home plate. The manager/coach shall place the ball on the tee.

F.      Base Running: A base runner may not leave a base until the ball has been put into play by the batter


Article X-          League and Draft Procedures

Section 1.         Tee Ball and Minor Coach Pitch Division Draft

Players within determined geographical areas will be divided into draft groups. Method of assignment to teams will be conducted by the Player Agent, with no tryouts conducted.

Section 2.         Minor Player Pitch and above-Draft

A.     All players must participate in the appropriate Divisional tryouts for eligibility in the draft unless a waiver has been submitted and approved by the Board. The draft will be conducted using the board voted upon plan as outlined by Little League

B.      Team formation: For player pitch and above-The manager will attend the draft with a list of potential players to choose from.  If the manager cannot attend the draft, one of the rostered coaches from that team is permitted to fill in.

C.      Exceptions to the draft eligibility will be by Board approval only. Trades must happen at the time of draft.

D.     Managers’ and coaches’ sons/daughters must be chosen by the fourth round of the draft

E.      Player selection process: At the time of the draft, each team will be represented by the manager only. If no manager is appointed by the Board prior to the time of tryouts, 2 Board Members will be appointed to represent that team at all tryouts and at the draft.

F.      Draft order will be determined by drawing numbers. Seating will be in draft sequence.

G.     Order of selection will be as follows:


Round                                  #1                          #2                          #3                          #4

        Team                                   1                            6                            1                            6

                                                     2                            5                            2                            5

                                                     3                            4                            3                            4

                                                     4                            3                            4                            3

                                                     5                            2                            5                            2

                                                     6                            1                            6                            1


Article XI-         Managers, Coaches, Scorekeepers and Umpires

A.     Application process: Completion of a manager or coach application form does not guarantee that the applicant will be assigned a team. All managers and coaches positions are filled as vacancies occur and require Board approval. All managers and coaches must attend the Rules and Safety Clinic held by District 6, or any local clinics held by CLL.  Failure by either a Coach or Manager to attend this MANDATORY meeting can be grounds for rescission of Board Approval of his/her position, unless notification is given and satisfactory just cause is demonstrated to the Board of Directors prior to the meeting.

B.      Managers and Coaches: The managers and coaches of each team must be at least 18 years of age, or 16 with board approval and under the supervision of an adult. The manager has complete responsibility for his/her team within the Little League and local league rules and regulations

C.      Selection: The board will review all managers and coaches for necessary qualifications, abilities, and knowledge. A manager or coach may be managing/coaching personnel for one additional team in a different Division only with lack of volunteers and Board approval. Any manager or coaching position is only for the season for which they are appointed. Said positions will be determined on a season-by-season basis.

D.     Managers are responsible for the actions of their spectators as well as their players. Managers should report any spectator or problems with adults to the Vice President.  Managers should report all issues with players to the proper player agent.

E.      Managers are responsible for ensuring their players and spectators act respectfully to ours and other leagues complexes and volunteers. 

F.      Scorekeepers: Each team will provide one scorekeeper for its games. The home team’s scorekeeper will act as the official scorekeeper.

G.     Umpires: All Divisions except Tee Ball will have a certified umpire, If possible, who is under the supervision of the Vice President. Games will NOT be postponed because there are no Umpires; parent volunteers will be utilized.





Article XII-        All-Star Teams

Section 1.         All-Star Teams

A.     The All-Star team for each Division shall be selected once all All-Star Intent Forms have been turned in.  The player agents will conduct the draft for the all-star teams and hold try outs if necessary

B.      Those who sign the all-star commitment form and then refuse to play shall not be considered for all stars again, unless a reasonable excuse is given and approved by the board

C.      Eligible players must attend all practices and games, unless there has been prior approval for a reasonable excuse from the team manager

D.     No player shall be considered for the All Star team unless all paperwork, including waivers, proofs of residence, birth certificate, school enrollment forms and any other required documentation has been provided to the league and the district administrator has signed the Tournament Eligibility Form

E.      All players who are ready, willing and able to play, shall play in accordance to the Little League rules.

F.      The League shall supply jerseys and socks, chosen and approved by the board, for each All-Star team. All-Star families will be responsible for any additional attire.

Section 4.         All-Star Managers

A.    The Manager of the All-Star teams will be appointed by the President with board approval. They will have managed or coached in the division they are managing for the all star tournament if possible

B.    The Manager, once selected, shall have the option of selecting up to two coaches from the registered coaches or managers provided by the president or player agents

Article XIII-       Fall League

Section 1.         Coordination

The Fall season will open immediately after the conclusion of the district All Star tournament, if not sooner.  The season will last approximately six to eight weeks, depending on the schedule the district provides

Section 2.         Managers and Coaches

A.     The president will solicit managers and coaches for Fall League from all Divisions at the earliest possible date.

B.      All coaches and managers must have been approved by the Board during the just ended spring season, or obtain Board approval before being assigned a team.

Section 3.         Team Selection

Players will be assigned to the teams under the same guidelines and criteria as set forth in Article X of the League bylaws, except that there will be no tryouts or draft. Players’ assignments will be made by the player agents.

A $35 deposit is required with each player’s Fall Ball registration. The deposit is non-refundable unless the girl is not placed on a team. The deposit will be applied to Fall Ball fees.


Article XIV-       Complex Rules-ours and others in the district

A.     There is no smoking of any kind on the complexes.  This includes tobacco, marijuana, dip or chew, e-cigs, vapes, etc).  You may smoke off the complex at baseball and in the furthest parking lot at the entrance of the softball complex, or at the designated areas at other district complexes

B.      No alcohol is allowed on the complexes

C.      No pets are allowed at any district 6 complex unless it is a clearly marked and working service (not support) animal as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act

D.     All chatter must be positive in nature.

E.      Anyone who is caught harassing/arguing with an umpire, manager, coach or board member will be asked to leave the complex.  Except for umpires, everyone involved with the running of CLL are volunteers.  This is a zero-tolerance rule.

F.      Anyone who is asked to leave or is removed from the complexes are subject to the rules laid out in section 5 of this document

G.     As this is a completely volunteer run league, all parents will be required to work a minimum of 2 shifts in the concession stand.  These shifts are approximately 2 hours and will not be scheduled while your player has a game.  If the parent cannot work the assigned shift, they may arrange with other parents on their team to cover their shift or donate $25 to the league so other arrangements can be made.  Having to keep closing the concession stand will result in higher registration fees in the future.

H.     Players are allowed and will participate in one fundraiser a year.  Parents are required to help with any fundraising endeavors set forth by the board of directors with the goal to help ensure that the players of Churchland will continue to have a safe league to play in.


These bylaws are for CLL use only and may not supersede any Little League rules



Churchland Little League
Portsmouth, Virginia 23703

Email: [email protected]

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