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Churchland Little League

Churchland Little League

                               Complex Rules-ours and others in the district

A.     There is no tobacco of any kind on the complexes.  This includes cigarettes, dip or chew, e-cigs, vapes, etc,.  You may smoke off the complex at baseball and in the furthest parking lot at the entrance of the softball complex, or at the designated areas at other district complexes

B.      No alcohol or drugs, including cannabis are allowed on the complexes

C.      No pets are allowed at any district 6 complex unless it is a clearly marked and working service (not support) animal as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act

D.     All chatter must be positive in nature.

E.      Anyone who is caught harassing/arguing with an umpire, manager, coach or board member will be asked to leave the complex, no matter which District 6 complex it occurs at.  Except for umpires, everyone involved with the running of CLL are volunteers.  This is a zero-tolerance rule.

F.      Anyone who is asked to leave or is removed from the complexes are subject to the rules laid out in section 5 of our By-laws

G.     As this is a completely volunteer run league, all parents will be required to work a minimum of 2 shifts in the concession stand.  These shifts are approximately 2 hours and will not be scheduled while your player has a game.  If the parent cannot work the assigned shift, they may arrange with other parents on their team to cover their shift or donate $25 to the league so other arrangements can be made.  Having to keep closing the concession stand will result in higher registration fees in the future.

H.     Players are allowed and will participate in one fundraiser a year.  Parents are required to help with any fundraising endeavors set forth by the board of directors with the goal to help ensure that the players of Churchland will continue to have a safe league to play in.


Churchland Little League
Portsmouth, Virginia 23703

Email: [email protected]

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